How Video Games Can Help Your Child Succeed in School
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How Video Games Can Help Your Child Succeed in School

Video games are often the brunt of parents’ jokes, but there’s no denying that they play an important role in children’s lives these days. The main problem is that many parents don’t realize that video games can actually be beneficial to their child’s success in school, both in terms of long-term learning and short-term studying skills. This article will take you through the research on video games and why video games can help your child succeed in school. 

Understanding the Problem 

Research has shown that kids who play video games are more motivated to do their homework and feel like they’re good at school. Kids whose parents feel negatively about games, however, tend to see less benefit from playing them. So it seems if you want your child to succeed academically, you’ll need to open your mind and embrace a video game or two! Here are three tips for doing just that.

Understand why your child likes to play video games 

The first step to helping your child get good grades is understanding why he or she plays video games. Is it stress relief? Boredom from school? A compulsion? It’s important to understand what motivates your child so you can use these motivations to help your child succeed in school, as well. After all, if your child isn’t motivated to do well, he or she will never be successful. 

Go ahead and let them have fun! 

Most parents think video games are a waste of time, and I get it. You don’t want your child sitting for hours on end playing games like Call of Duty. However, there is another side to gaming. The most popular video game series on mobile devices right now is Brain & Puzzle. These puzzle games can help you improve problem-solving skills and enhance hand-eye coordination—skills that will be very useful when they sit down to do their math homework! 

Use your kid’s favourite game as an educational tool 

Playing video games with your kids is a great way to spend quality time together and bond, plus they can teach them a lot of skills they can use later on in life. For example, your child can improve their hand-eye coordination by playing first-person shooters; put on an educational game to learn facts about math or science; or join a team game like Minecraft where they get to work as part of a team and communicate verbally with other players. 

Let’s build something together 

Have your child choose a video game he or she is interested in, and play it with him or her. If your child is too young to play games independently, you can read a book while playing. Ask questions about what’s happening on screen: Why did that character jump? What was that character trying to accomplish? Talk about what happened and how you might handle similar situations in real life. Try it yourself first so your kid doesn’t think you don’t know anything! 

Other benefits of having your kids play video games 

They can be a valuable educational tool—if used correctly. If you’re trying to find ways to encourage your kids to study more, here are three different ways that video games can help their performance at school and help you succeed. -Utilize their intrinsic motivation: Offer rewards or incentives for finishing homework. For example, they get one hour of free time on the computer if they finish all of their homework today! -Help them develop good study habits: Make sure they have good posture while studying by setting up an ergonomic workspace for them to use during this time. Don't forget about social interactions as well! Studies show that people who play video games often end up with more friends than those who don't. It's also important to note that some studies show children who play first-person shooter games may perform better academically when compared to those who don't play any video games at all. So, what are you waiting for? You know your child will enjoy it and benefit from it! -Offer rewards or incentives for finishing homework.  

-Make sure they have good posture while studying by setting up an ergonomic workspace for them to use during this time. 

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