Awe-inspiring WhatsApp tips for everyday use
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Awe-inspiring WhatsApp tips for everyday use

WhatsApp, which is owned by Meta, has been adding more features and simplifying the user experience.

Despite the fact that WhatsApp is used by billions of people, some of its users are still ignorant of the useful tips and tricks it has up its sleeve for communicating.

Here are some incredible tips:

Italicize this text:

Italicizing text is done by using the underscore (_) character at the beginning and end of the text.

Trick 1. To italicize the text in WhatsApp chat

bold type:

Users can bold the text they want to highlight by adding an asterisk (*) on both sides of the text.

Trick 2. to Bold the text in WhatsApp chat

a multi-space font:

Users can enclose the text in three (```) backticks at the start and end of monospace sentences.

Trick 3. For multi spaces in WhatsApp chat.

highlighting the font:

Add a tilde (~) on both sides to make the text strikethrough.

Trick 4. For a strikethrough text in WhatsApp chat.

Consolidated font:

The same text can be made bold, italic, or strikethrough by the users. At the start and conclusion of the text, they can do it by using the symbols asterisk, tilde, and underscore.

Trick 5. To make BOLD, ITALIC and STRIKETHROUGH at once.

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